Wednesday, June 3, 2015

6/3/15 Wednesday update

    My account is moved up/down less than $500 after the market pulled back from the high today.
Normally I would buy the pull back now (9:00 am) .  But I don't feel like doing any trading. The profit is good. The market in June? I'm not sure.

   I will wait until the last hour. Maybe I will do nothing.

Updated on 4:30 pm.

 I went to lunch with some old friends at 11:30 AM. When I came back, the market was already closed so I did nothing. Since I took 2 hour lunch break, I've worked hard until now!


  1. Hi Baby Sun!
    Enjoying your trader's insights. Thankyou.
    Can I ask- does your delta neutral strategy use options of the index?
    Keep up the good work!

  2. Do you use weekly or monthly options? Thanks!


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I've become a very mature trader after trading in the stock market for 12 years. I've been very focus and only trade E-min futures a...