Monday, March 18, 2013

Back to normal.

   I was told that I've talked too much on the blog. I will shut up now :-) If you've learned anything from my previous postings, good for you.
  Good luck to you all!


1 comment:

  1. Whoever told you those things must be either jealous or paranoid. =) You haven't said anything that someone couldn't find in most general range or delta-neutral trading books. There are no "secrets" being revealed any more than in my summaries. If anyone could make it out to be something more to gain any insight, then they really already knew how to trade in the first place, which as we know is a very rare talent in the retail world.

    It's your blog - you should do as you like. :)

    The trading error today you mentioned did surprise me though since in a prior post you NAILED the lower range, so I'm confused why you would do the opposite. It must have indeed been the wine. ;-)


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