Tuesday, May 19, 2015

So far it is true...

Last Weekend, I wrote that

"I expect I make money next week also. :-)"

It is repetitive. So is the market. I have much better risk and emotion controls than before. That is the most important. The market is up and down, down and up and is out of my control. I only need to take care of myself so that I'm comfortable and relaxed all the time in the market.


  1. Hi Baby Sun

    How do you trade? Do you just trade index future with options to adjust your risk?

    1. Yeah, I only trade ES/YM/NQ. The idea is the following:


      But how I trade is not that important. How I manage the risks and emotion matters.

      Good luck!


Hello, Everyone!

I've become a very mature trader after trading in the stock market for 12 years. I've been very focus and only trade E-min futures a...