Tuesday, December 31, 2013

12/31/13 Tuesday dow+ 72

  Here is my last post of the year :-). The market closed strong! So is my account which sits at the highest level for the year. I don't what to say how much I made this year. But  people who know my trading style probably already know that I'm seeking for the consistant return.

 Happy new year and see you guys in 2014!

Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Merry Christmas and Happy new year to you all!

   Wow. Time passes so swiftly and we are going to say goodbye to year of 2013. I hope that you all have a wonderful year.

  Like a lot of traders, I'v made money this year. But I think I'v missed the great bull run since I 've only used less than 30% of my capital to trade every time.  Although the gain is matched up with the indices, I've spent a lot of more time and energy than those who only buy and hold and achieve the same result.

 I will take more risk next year. I will play more stock options since a lot of times the market is barely moving after gapping up or down.  Oh, well. I will still play ES, YM and NQ future when I see  the opportunity.

 Yes, I will take more risk. No pain, no gain:-)

 Merry Christmas and Happy new year!


Hello, Everyone!

I've become a very mature trader after trading in the stock market for 12 years. I've been very focus and only trade E-min futures a...