Saturday, October 26, 2013

The biggest enemy is myself.

When it comes to the trading. I have some full time not working friends. They trade and they invest  properties.

One of them who I've known for  4 years told me that he started with 200K, His capital grew to 550K by October.  I was upset after hearing it. I don't like my own consevative trading style any more.  So later on I became very anxious and started to lose money.

Good thing is that I didn't lose control. I'm still very profitable this year.  But I need to keep in mind, I'm my worst enemy.


  1. It's true we are our own bosses and we call the shots for better or worse, with no one to reign us in if we get off track except Ms. Market.

    You're fortunate to live near successful full time traders/investors. I don't know of anyone in my area besides myself.

    You shouldn't compare your trading style to his, but against the S&P 500. As long as you are beating the market you're fine. Your growth will happen by just scaling up as your account grows.

    You're the master of your own style, and the other guy is the master of his. Your style suits you and he would likely lose money if he tried to duplicate you. Everyone's risk curve is different.

    $200K to $550K in 4 years is great, but it averages to $87.5K/yr. I've seen traders earn close to that amount or more in one day, so it's all relative.

    This is a hard field to be in and the fact that you're consistently profitable and improving is already like winning the lottery. =) Look at your trading over time - all arrows point up. :)

  2. no, I didn't say it clearly. I knew him 4 years ago and he started with $200k this year.


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